Divya Jyoti Valuers Foundation Registered Valuers Organisation
Divya Jyoti Valuers Foundation (DJVF) is a company registered under the Companies Act 2013. DJVF has been recognized as Registered Valuers Organisation (RVO) by Insolvency and bankruptcy board of India(IBBI).It enrolls eligible professionals as its members.
It is engaged in the development of the valuation profession and promotes the continuous professional development of its members. It monitors and regulates the activities of its member registered valuers and continuously improves upon its internal regulations and guidelines to ensure that the high standard of professional and ethical conduct is maintained by its members.
It has been approved by IBBI under following all three classes of Assets:
- Land & Building
- Plant & Machinery
- Securities or Financial Assets
A professional who would like to pursue valuation profession as his or her career, has to undergo 50 Hrs Compulsory Educational Program conducted by RVO as per the syllabus provided by IBBI, in the category chosen by him/her to become a Registered Valuer according to Section 247, of The Companies Act, 2013.We at DJVF RVO are conducting the above course at various centers indicated in this website. As permitted by IBBI in view of the Covid pandemic, we are conducting online classes for 50hrs Mandatory Educational programme (MEP), for Continuing Education programme (CEP) and for Certificate of Practice (COP) which is now available till 30th September 2022.
We are having a group of professionals experts in their fields i.e. engineers from various branches, chartered accountants & management professionals and their goal is to share their experience and exposure with its student members to improve their professional competency overall knowledge about valuation under the guidelines and close supervision of IBBI.